> module Euterpea.IO.MIDI.FromMidi (fromMidi) where

> import Euterpea.Music

> import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.ToMidi

> import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.GeneralMidi

> import Data.List

> import Codec.Midi

Donya Quick

Last updated 15-Oct-2013.

Changes since last major version (15-Jan-2013):

- makeUPM: (is !! i, 10) changed to (is !! i, 9) for Percussion.

- Instrument numbers <0 are interpreted as Percussion.

- ProgChange 10 x is now assigned (-1) as an instrument number.


- Tempo changes occuring between matching note on/off events may not be 

  interpreted optimally. A performance-correct representation rather 

  than a score-correct representation could be accomplished by looking 

  for these sorts of between-on-off tempo changes when calculating a 

  note's duration. 


This code was originally developed for research purposes and then 

adapted for CPSC 431/531 to overcome some problems exhibited by the

original implementation of fromMidi. 

This code has functions to read Midi values into an intermediate type,

SimpleMsg, before conversion to Music (Pitch, Volume) to make processing 

instrument changes easier. The following features will be retained from 

the input file:

- Placement of notes relative to the beat (assumed to be quarternotes).

- The pitch, volume, and instrument of each note.

- Tempo changes indicated by TempoChange MIDI events

Other MIDI controller information is currently not supported. This includes 

events such as pitch bends and modulations. For these controllers, there is 

no simple way to capture the information in a Music data structure.

The following datatype is for a simplification of MIDI events into simple 

On/off events for pitches occurring at different times. There are two 

types of events considered: tempo changes and note events. The note events

are represented by tuples of:

- exact onset time, Rational

- absolute pitch, AbsPitch

- volume from 0-127, Volume

- instrument number, Int. The value (-1) is used for Percussion.

- on/off type, NEvent

> data NEvent = On | Off

>   deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

> data SimpleMsg = SE (Rational, AbsPitch, Volume, Int, NEvent) |

>               T (Rational, Rational)

>   deriving (Eq, Show)

> instance Ord (SimpleMsg) where

>     compare (SE(t,p,v,i,e)) (SE(t',p',v',i',e')) = 

>         if t<t' then LT else if t>t' then GT else EQ

>     compare (T(t,x)) (SE(t',p',v',i',e')) = 

>         if t<t' then LT else if t>t' then GT else EQ

>     compare (SE(t,p,v,i,e)) (T(t',x)) = 

>         if t<t' then LT else if t>t' then GT else EQ

>     compare (T(t,x)) (T(t',x')) =

>         if t<t' then LT else if t>t' then GT else EQ

The importFile function places track ticks (Ticks) in a format where 

each value attached to a message represents the number of ticks that 

have passed SINCE THE LAST MESSAGE. The following function will convert 

input in that format into a list of pairs where the ticks are absolute. 

In otherwords, ticks in the output will represent the exact point in 

time of an event. This means that unsupported events (e.g. pitch bend) 

can later be filtered out without affecting the timing of support events.

> addTrackTicks :: Int -> [(Ticks, a)] -> [(Ticks, a)]

> addTrackTicks sum [] = []

> addTrackTicks sum ((t,x):ts) = (t+sum,x) : addTrackTicks (t+sum) ts

The following function addresses a ticks to Music duration conversion.

> applyTD :: TimeDiv -> SimpleMsg -> SimpleMsg

> applyTD tdw x = 

>     case x of T(t,i) -> T(fixT tdw t, i) 

>               SE(t,p,v,i,e) -> SE(fixT tdw t, p, v, i, e) where

> fixT tdw t = 

>     case tdw of TicksPerBeat td -> t / (fromIntegral td * 4)

>                 TicksPerSecond fps tpf -> t / fromIntegral (fps * tpf)

The midiToEvents function will take a Midi structure (from importFile, 

for example) and convert it to a list of lists of SimpleMsgs. Each outer 

list represents a track in the original Midi. 

> midiToEvents :: Midi -> [[SimpleMsg]]

> midiToEvents m = 

>     let ts = map (simplifyTrack 0) $ map (addTrackTicks 0) (tracks m) 

>     in  distributeTempos $ map (map (applyTD $ timeDiv m)) ts where 

>   simplifyTrack :: Int -> [(Ticks, Message)] -> [SimpleMsg]

>   simplifyTrack icur [] = []

>   simplifyTrack icur ((t,m):ts) = 

>     case m of (NoteOn c p v) -> 

>                   SE (fromIntegral t, p, v, icur, On) : simplifyTrack icur ts

>               (NoteOff c p v) -> 

>                   SE (fromIntegral t, p, v, icur, Off) : simplifyTrack icur ts

>               (ProgramChange c p) -> simplifyTrack (if c==9 then (-1) else p) ts 

>               (TempoChange x) -> T (fromIntegral t, fromIntegral x) : simplifyTrack icur ts

>               _ -> simplifyTrack icur ts 

The first track is the tempo track. It's events need to be distributed

across the other tracks. This function below is called for that purpose

in midiToEvents above.

> distributeTempos :: [[SimpleMsg]] -> [[SimpleMsg]]

> distributeTempos tracks = 

>     if length tracks > 1 then map (sort . (head tracks ++)) (tail tracks)

>     else tracks -- must be a single-track file with embedded tempo changes.

The eventsToMusic function will convert a list of lists of SimpleMsgs 

(output from midiToEvents) to a Music(Pitch,Volume) structure. All 

notes will be connected together using the (:=:) constructor. For 

example, the first line of "Frere Jaque", which would normally be

written as:

c 5 qn :+: d 5 qn :+: e 5 qn :+: c 5 qn

would actually get represented like this when read in from a MIDI:

	(rest 0 :+: c 5 qn) :=:

      (rest qn :+: d 5 qn) :=:

      (rest hn :+: e 5 qn) :=:

      (rest dhn :+: c 5 qn)

This structure is clearly more complicated than it needs to be.

However, identifying melodic lines and phrases inorder to group the

events in a more musically appropriate manor is non-trivial, since

it requires both phrase and voice identification within an instrument 

To see why this is the case, consider a Piano, which may have right 

and lef thand lines that might be best separated by :=: at the 

outermost level. In a MIDI, however, we are likely to get all of the

events for both hands lumped into the same track. 

The parallelized structure is also required for keeping tempo changes

syced between instruments. While MIDI files allow tempo changes to 

occur in the middle of a note, Euterpea's Music values do not.


Instruments will be grouped at the outermost level. For example, if 

there are 2 instruments with music values m1 and m2 repsectively, the

structure would be:

    (instrument i1 m1) :=: (instrument i2 m1)


Tempo changes are processed within each instrument.

> eventsToMusic :: [[SimpleMsg]] -> Music (Pitch, Volume)

> eventsToMusic tracks = 

>     let tracks' = splitByInstruments tracks -- handle any mid-track program changes

>         is = map toInstr $ map getInstrument $ filter (not.null) tracks' -- instruments

>         tDef = 500000 -- current tempo, 120bpm as microseconds per qn

>     in  chord $ zipWith instrument is $ map (seToMusic tDef) tracks' where


>   toInstr :: Int -> InstrumentName

>   toInstr i = if i<0 then Percussion else toEnum i 


>   seToMusic :: Rational -> [SimpleMsg] -> Music (Pitch, Volume)

>   seToMusic tCurr [] = rest 0

>   seToMusic tCurr (e1@(SE(t,p,v,ins,On)):es) = 

>     let piMatch (SE(t1,p1,v1,ins1,e1)) = (p1==p && ins1==ins) && e1==Off

>         piMatch (T(t1,x)) = False

>         is = findIndices piMatch es -- find mactching note-offs

>         SE(t1,p1,v1,ins1, e) = es !! (is !! 0) -- pick the first matching note-off

>         n = (rest t :+: note (t1-t) (pitch p,v)) -- create a Music note

>     in  if v > 0 then -- a zero volume note is silence

>              if length is > 0 then n :=: seToMusic tCurr es -- found an off

>              else seToMusic tCurr ((e1:es)++[correctOff e1 es]) -- missing off case

>         else seToMusic tCurr es

>   seToMusic tCurr (e1@(T (t,newTempo)):es) = 

>     let t2 = getTime $ head es -- find time of next event after tempo change

>         tfact = tCurr / newTempo -- calculate tempo change factor

>         es' = map (changeTime (subtract t)) es -- adjust start times

>         m = rest t :+: tempo tfact (seToMusic newTempo es')  

>     in  if null es then rest 0 else m where

>         changeTime f (SE (t,p,v,i,e)) = SE (f t,p,v,i,e)

>         changeTime f (T (t,x)) = T (f t, x)

>   seToMusic tCurr (_:es) = seToMusic tCurr es -- ignore note-offs (already handled)

Finding the time of an event.

> getTime (SE(t,p,v,i,e)) = t

> getTime (T (t,x)) = t

Finding the instrument associated with a track. Only the first

instrument label to appear is chosen. If a program change happens

mid-track, it will not be counted.

> getInstrument ((SE(t,p,v,i,e)):xs) = i

> getInstrument ((T x) : xs) = getInstrument xs

> getInstrument [] = -1 -- No instrument assigned

The following function ensure that only one instrument appears in 

each list of SimpleMsgs. This is necessary in order to ensure that 

instrument assignments occur at the outermost level of the Music.

> splitByInstruments :: [[SimpleMsg]] -> [[SimpleMsg]] 

> splitByInstruments [] = []

> splitByInstruments (t:ts) = 

>     let i = getInstrument t

>         (t',t'') = splitByI i t

>         ts' = if or $ map isSE t'' then splitByInstruments (t'':ts) 

>               else splitByInstruments ts

>     in  if or $ map isSE t' then t' : ts' else ts'

> isSE :: SimpleMsg -> Bool

> isSE (SE xs) = True

> isSE (T i) = False

The splitByI function partitions a stream to select a specific instrument's events.

> splitByI :: Int -> [SimpleMsg] -> ([SimpleMsg],[SimpleMsg])

> splitByI i0 [] = ([],[])

> splitByI i0 (x:xs) = 

>     let (ts,fs) = splitByI i0 xs

>         f (SE(_,_,_,i1,_)) = i0 == i1

>         f _ = False

>     in  case x of SE x' -> if f x then (x:ts,fs) else (ts,x:fs)

>                   T i -> (x:ts, x:fs) -- add tempos to both streams

This function is an error-handling method for MIDI files which have 

mismatched note on/off events. This seems to be common in output from 

some software. The solution used here is to assume that the note lasts 

until the the time of the last event in the list. 

> correctOff (SE(t,p,v,ins,e)) [] = SE(t,p,v,ins,Off)

> correctOff (SE(t,p,v,ins,e)) es = 

>     let SE(t1,p1,v1,ins1,e1) = last $ filter isSE es

>     in  SE(t1,p,v,ins,Off) 

The fromMidi function wraps the combination of midiToEvents and 

eventsToMusic and performs the final conversion to Music1.

> fromMidi :: Midi -> Music1

> fromMidi m = 

>     let seList = midiToEvents m

>         iNums = filter (>0) $ map getInstrument seList

>         upm = makeUPM $ map toEnum iNums

>     in  mMap (\(p,v) -> (p, [Volume v])) $ eventsToMusic seList

This function is to correct for the fact that channel 10 is

traditionally reserved for percussion. If there is no percussion,

then channel 10 must remain empty. Channels are indexed from zero 

in this representation, so channel 1 is 0, channel 10 is 9, etc.

> makeUPM :: [InstrumentName] -> UserPatchMap

> makeUPM is = 

>     case findIndex (==Percussion) is of 

>         Nothing -> zip is ([0..8]++[10..]) -- no percussion

>         Just i -> (is !! i, 9) : 

>                   zip (take i is ++ drop (i+1) is) ([0..8]++[10..])