arrows- Arrow classes and transformers

Copyright(c) Ross Paterson 2003
LicenseBSD-style (see the LICENSE file in the distribution)
Portabilitynon-portable (multi-parameter type classes)
Safe HaskellSafe



Simple Mealy-style automata.



newtype Automaton a b c Source #

An arrow type comprising Mealy-style automata, each step of which is is a computation in the original arrow type.


Automaton (a b (c, Automaton a b c)) 


Arrow a => ArrowTransformer Automaton a Source # 


lift :: a b c -> Automaton a b c Source #

ArrowError r a => ArrowError r (Automaton a) Source # 


raise :: Automaton a r b Source #

handle :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a (e, r) b -> Automaton a e b Source #

tryInUnless :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a (e, b) c -> Automaton a (e, r) c -> Automaton a e c Source #

newError :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a e (Either r b) Source #

ArrowWriter w a => ArrowWriter w (Automaton a) Source # 


write :: Automaton a w () Source #

newWriter :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a e (b, w) Source #

ArrowState s a => ArrowState s (Automaton a) Source # 


fetch :: Automaton a e s Source #

store :: Automaton a s () Source #

ArrowReader r a => ArrowReader r (Automaton a) Source # 


readState :: Automaton a b r Source #

newReader :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a (e, r) b Source #

ArrowAddWriter w a a' => ArrowAddWriter w (Automaton a) (Automaton a') Source # 


liftWriter :: Automaton a' e b -> Automaton a e b Source #

elimWriter :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a' e (b, w) Source #

ArrowAddReader r a a' => ArrowAddReader r (Automaton a) (Automaton a') Source # 


liftReader :: Automaton a' e b -> Automaton a e b Source #

elimReader :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a' (e, r) b Source #

ArrowAddState r a a' => ArrowAddState r (Automaton a) (Automaton a') Source # 


liftState :: Automaton a' e b -> Automaton a e b Source #

elimState :: Automaton a e b -> Automaton a' (e, r) (b, r) Source #

Arrow a => Arrow (Automaton a) Source # 


arr :: (b -> c) -> Automaton a b c #

first :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a (b, d) (c, d) #

second :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a (d, b) (d, c) #

(***) :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a b' c' -> Automaton a (b, b') (c, c') #

(&&&) :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a b c' -> Automaton a b (c, c') #

ArrowZero a => ArrowZero (Automaton a) Source # 


zeroArrow :: Automaton a b c #

ArrowPlus a => ArrowPlus (Automaton a) Source # 


(<+>) :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a b c -> Automaton a b c #

ArrowChoice a => ArrowChoice (Automaton a) Source # 


left :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a (Either b d) (Either c d) #

right :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a (Either d b) (Either d c) #

(+++) :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a b' c' -> Automaton a (Either b b') (Either c c') #

(|||) :: Automaton a b d -> Automaton a c d -> Automaton a (Either b c) d #

ArrowLoop a => ArrowLoop (Automaton a) Source # 


loop :: Automaton a (b, d) (c, d) -> Automaton a b c #

ArrowLoop a => ArrowCircuit (Automaton a) Source # 


delay :: b -> Automaton a b b Source #

(ArrowLoop a, ArrowApply a) => ArrowAddStream (Automaton a) a Source # 


liftStream :: a e b -> Automaton a e b Source #

elimStream :: Automaton a (e, b) c -> a (e, Stream b) (Stream c) Source #

Arrow a => Category * (Automaton a) Source # 


id :: cat a a #

(.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c #

Arrow a => Functor (Automaton a b) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b b #

(<$) :: a -> Automaton a b b -> Automaton a b a #

Arrow a => Applicative (Automaton a b) Source # 


pure :: a -> Automaton a b a #

(<*>) :: Automaton a b (a -> b) -> Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b b #

(*>) :: Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b b -> Automaton a b b #

(<*) :: Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b b -> Automaton a b a #

ArrowPlus a => Alternative (Automaton a b) Source # 


empty :: Automaton a b a #

(<|>) :: Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b a #

some :: Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b [a] #

many :: Automaton a b a -> Automaton a b [a] #

ArrowPlus a => Monoid (Automaton a b c) Source # 


mempty :: Automaton a b c #

mappend :: Automaton a b c -> Automaton a b c -> Automaton a b c #

mconcat :: [Automaton a b c] -> Automaton a b c #

runAutomaton :: (ArrowLoop a, ArrowApply a) => Automaton a (e, b) c -> a (e, Stream b) (Stream c) Source #

Encapsulating an automaton by running it on a stream of inputs, obtaining a stream of outputs.

Typical usage in arrow notation:

	proc p -> do
		ys <- (|runAutomaton (\x -> ...)|) xs

Here xs refers to the input stream and x to individual elements of that stream. ys is bound to the output stream.